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Printing and software alternatives for Chromebooks.

A Chromebook is a laptop whose software runs in the browser. Since most resources at NYU are available through the web, a Chromebook will work the same as any other laptop in most situations. Many of the programs you will need to use at NYU, such as a word processor, spreadsheet, or presentation program, are supported by Google's GSuite, a collection of productivity tools, like Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides.

The one notable exception is printing. You will need to use NYU's Mobile Print service to print from your Chromebook to campus printers. Guide to Mobile Printing. (In addition, your Chromebook can print directly to some HP printers if you install the Chrome HP Print extension.) 

For more specialized software -- editing audio or images, writing code, trimming and manipulating video -- there are browser-based replacements. These are often not as full-featured as software designed for a Mac or PC laptop, but they are more than adequate for basic jobs. Guide to Software and Web Tools for the Chrome Browser

If you have questions, comments or suggestions, email the Chromebook Test group. Chromebook Test group